Our ancient survival instincts are kicking in right now Humans act out of immediate need. Hardwired survival instinct kicks in, and we want to protect our brood. To protect our brood we need to think about where we will get our food from. As we are no longer living in hunter- gatherer tribes, we hunt […]
If you are interested in eating seasonally, or grow your own produce then you may be well acquainted with the “Hunger Gap”. This is a term leftover from a time when we were truly eating seasonally, through necessity. It is the period between Winter and Spring, when all the stored roots/potatoes/onions/fruits have come to an […]
Well folks, it’s been an emotional year. I know I’m not alone in feeling that way, we talk to enough people every week who come through the shop to know that people are struggling. That’s because of a very simple fact; everything is not OK. But that’s ok. There’s never really been a time in […]
It’s Plastic-Free July once again, so it seems like a good time to get writing on here again. For those who don’t know, Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people become part of the solution to plastic pollution. You can sign up to their challenge here: https://www.plasticfreejuly.org/take-the-challenge/ and their website […]
This is not the blog post I was going to write. There was going to be a list of ways to make Christmas more eco-friendly and simple. But suddenly I didn’t want to write about that any more. There are many fantastic blogs and ideas online if you search, and of course, I think any […]
It’s Organic September, and this week on Social Media we have been asking the question- What does organic mean? And for me, another question is- how did it get mixed up with the word “Artisan?” I find it really intriguing that somehow these two words often get tangled up in relation to food. Artisan chocolate? […]
I think my rain dance worked! As much as I love the sun, it was a huge relief to see some rain this week, not least because it may mean we FINALLY get a good supply of broccoli and cauli. No organic strawberries to be found at the moment, but we have got plenty of […]
p r o d u c e t h i s w e e k The Summer season is really getting going, which means lots of tasty fruit and veg with less food miles, hoorah! We have Cauliflowers back on the list this week, they have struggled so far with the intense heat we have […]
It’s #plasticfreejuly again – an initiative that is growing each year as more people are pledging to give up single use plastic. I’ve signed us up again, and you can also register on the site here: www.plasticfreejuly.org It’s full of helpful tips on how to clean, cook, store food, gift etc. without using single use plastic. […]
I hope you had a good solstice last week! I had a lovely evening, wandering round Moses Gate Country Park, learning how to identify different herbs and plants, like the bloody hippy I am. It’s set to be a lovely sunny week, so whether you are BBQ-ing or just fancy hitting up some salads then […]