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M e a l P l a n n e r s R e j o i c e !
A few of you have asked that we re-start our weekly list of fruit and veg to help with your meal planning. I applaud your organisation levels, so here we are! (For simplicity sake I will do the list without country of origin but this information is always available in the shop, or just message us anytime)
Week beginning 4th June
availability list copy

C r o w d f u n d e r U p d a t e
As many of you know we hit our crowdfunder target and are very grateful to everyone who contributed. We are now on the hunt for cold storage and are looking at the potential of stocking some bulk household cleaning products to add to our range. There’s a bajillion things we would like to do, but we are trying to be sensible with what we add to the shop at this stage!
E x t r a O p e n i n g
Our poll shows that there are a fair few people who would like to see a Monday opening, so we will be starting that soon. Keep your eyes peeled on our Facebook page for an announcement
E v e n t s
Coming up this month:
13th June – Wake up to Organic
15th June – Frida Kahlo Textiles Workshop SOLD OUT
17th June – Heaton Fold Artisan Market
24th June – St Thomas of Canterbury Summer Fair

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