I hope you had a good solstice last week! I had a lovely evening, wandering round Moses Gate Country Park, learning how to identify different herbs and plants, like the bloody hippy I am. It’s set to be a lovely sunny week, so whether you are BBQ-ing or just fancy hitting up some salads then […]
P r o d u c e t h i s w e e k UK Strawberries are here, hoorah! They come in plastic, less hoorah. This is an issue we are looking at. We have been chatting to our supplier, and they are asking about alternative packaging. In the meantime, our supplier has very […]
M e a l P l a n n e r s R e j o i c e ! A few of you have asked that we re-start our weekly list of fruit and veg to help with your meal planning. I applaud your organisation levels, so here we are! (For simplicity sake I […]
The theme of the UN’s World Environment Day this year is #beatplasticpollution. When we advertise online, we often use the phrases “zero-waste” and “plastic-free” to connect with people who are looking to reduce their waste. In reality, these are still unrealistic terms, and it is a journey we are on rather than an end point […]